Friday, March 8

Coming alive

What is it about the normal routine of life that feels so dull? Routines are comforting, but I often think they are very much in need of a shake-up. A spark. Just enough change to make you notice everything around you, rather than marching around to the tune of the clock from one task to the next.

Just enough to notice beauty like this on the way to school:

the frost-tipped remnants of the morning fog.

So what makes you notice life happening?

I've come to realize that I feel most alive when I'm creative and when I am executing said creation. When I am generating ideas and making them happen.

To clarify - I am not crafty, nor am I artsy. I have my moments but I lack the patience to make anything elaborate or detailed. I do, however, like to dabble. Experiment. And I might add, I am defining creative here as anything from attempting a new recipe with that one ingredient I always wanted to try ... to coming up with ideas for my kid's new bedroom ... to mapping out a new run in town. Different, new, exciting.

And again, the critical component here is completing the idea by actually doing it. How many ideas have I thought up that have never actually materialized? Hundreds. Thousands.

But every once in awhile, my resolve strengthens and I work an idea. Fail or succeed, it happens. And that is what makes me feel alive.

Like starting this blog, so I could write for fun again. Yes! (And many, many thanks for all your words of encouragement. Means so much!)

Recently, I completely shook up my weekly menu by making a collection of appetizers for dinner during the week. (And yes, you should try these bacon-wrapped potato bites).

why not, right? best weekday meal ever.

I was bored with my Pandora stations, so I found a few new ones. Loving Grace Potter and the Nocturnals right now. Rediscovered Gungor. Next up - seeking out summer tunes to complement a warm-up that is sure to happen soon.

I made a wreath for my door, because sometimes the things you pin on Pinterest should be tried, even if you don't know what you are doing. And the fact that I could create while also indulging in a season of Downton Abbey and a glass of wine felt like a luxury.

Our spirits feel so much more alive and engaged when we're doing that one thing we love. Even among the routine of life, there's room for those elements that bring a spark. 

Remind me of that once in awhile, won't you? 'Cause I so easily forget.

And speaking of reminders, don't forget to spring ahead this weekend. Later sunsets arriving soon to a back porch near you. Enjoy.

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